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Welcome to the Ashwood Homeowners Association website. Ashwood is an association developed in 1997 that consists of 235 homes, 3 ponds, a playground and 8 acres of common area located off of 131st Street between Howe and Promise Road in Fishers, Indiana. This web site has been constructed to keep the neighbors informed of events going on in and around our community. To gain more information on our community, please email
Fishers Neighborhood Vibrancy Grant
The Ashwood HOA has worked to put together a project to spruce up our entryways and apply for the Fishers Neighborhood Vibrancy Grant to get help paying for this project. We were awarded this grant! Please thank a board member when you see them!
Recent Amendment Vote Results
We received 77/235 ballots
Storage sheds did not pass
42 yes votes/35 no votes
Home & Lot Restrictions did not pass
53 yes votes/24 no votes
Leasing Restrictions did not pass
56 yes votes/21 no votes
Amendment (voting % change) did not pass
49 yes votes/28 no votes
Street Drains
Please help keep street drains near your home clean and free of debris. With the help of our neighbors we can keep our drainage system healthy and unclogged. Thank you!!
Waste Management
As you may know, Waste Management has taken over Ray's Trash. Waste Management will no longer take trash bags sitting at the curb, they must be in a trash bin. Please call Waste Management at 866-230-1547 if you are in need of a trash bin. Thank you.
Welcome Members!
Please be sure to welcome Michael Darst, Jordan Miller and Philip Reinhardt to your HOA board team! We are excited to see what the next chapter brings us!
Are you interested in joining the Social or Architectural Committee, please reach out to Tammy!
If you have not please join our Facebook Group Page and NextDoor Page to stay up to date with what is going on in your community.
Meet the Board!
Ben Fuller
Philip Reinhardt
Jordan Miller
Michael Darst